The South African uphill in Rainbow Heels

2 min readDec 9, 2020

It’s hard being Gay in this World and after the US LGBTQAI+ community recently won a great victory for the Global community there is countries where it’s not supposed to be a problem like South Africa, the PEPUDA () is created to protect Human Rights but this option can’t be used if your dispute has anything to do with workplace issues. If your problem occurred in the workplace then you are sent from one point to the next and then you will end up at the CCMA, funny thing about the CCMA they usually don’t like sensitive cases like LGBTQAI+ but they still have to try and settle in conciliation or arbitration, then its sent to Labour Court where the backlog of cases before covid 19 was about two to three years before a date is issued.

Legal representation is very expensive and when you find a lawyer they charge you for every unanswered call or email to their offices, the LGBTQAI+ community groups can help but if a case is too big for them they won’t be able to help so if it has to go to CCMA or Labour Court and you don’t have money then you are alone against your ex-employer, and this is the reason the LGBTQAI+ victims suffer because it’s very difficult to get Legal Justice.

Every victim in the LGBTQAI+ community knows that there is a very slim chance of ever getting Justice unless you have money to pay the lawyers and if you end up unemployed there is almost no chance. The bullies win and the bullies know that no matter what, the employee that they underpaid because of their sexual orientation won’t ever be able to battle against their team of lawyers and advocates. Actually, the only thing the employer’s Law Firm has to do is to delay everything for as long as possible.

Knowing all this the LGBTQAI+ community loses momentum they also lose hope and dealing with all of this mostly without any support takes a toll on the person suffering in the situation, they find themselves in depression and during this time their financial problems add on.

Everyone knows once you have the Rainbow label attached to you, you face all kinds of predicaments in your life, your family might not accept you the way you are, you lose close friendships but for this one lad he lost everything for standing up against racist homophobic bosses and after trying the above the big corporate world has won and he lost everything.

If you feel you would like to help please feel free to mail the

